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Important Info
That You Need To Know!
Rainbow Book Fair 2025—Queer Resistance Now!
What you need to know about the RBF, Saturday, May 10, 2025.
You can find a map of the Center’s location here.
Getting to the Fair: The closest subway stations are 14th Street on the A, C, E lines and 14th Street on the 1, 2, 3 lines. You can find a subway map here. An excellent website to get you around the city is Citymapper. It will map out your journey and give you travel times for subway, taxi, walking, etc.
Street parking is very limited around the Center and is mostly metered. You can find a list of parking garages nearby here. Garages in the West Village are pricey – we recommend that you ship your books to the Center (see details below) and come via public transportation, taxi, or Uber/Lyft (or Citibike, if you’re so inclined!).
Hours: The Fair is from 12 noon until 6 PM. Set up for tables at the Fair starts at 11 AM. PLEASE do not arrive before 11 AM. The staff of the Center and the RBF and volunteers will be setting up tables and arranging for the Fair before 11. Please do not put large or tall signs on your tables that obscure fairgoers' views of other tables. Be considerate of other exhibitors.
Tables will be in two large rooms: 101 and 301. We will be sending you a floor plan and table assignment document before the Fair, and all tables will be clearly identified by number and occupant. The Center is fully accessible, with ramps and elevators.
Take down: Please have your tables cleared by 7 PM at the latest, so the Center staff can clean the room.
After Party: There will be an after party for Fair vendors and participants, with wine and snacks. All exhibitors, panelists, and readers are invited!
Where to send books:
Please address box labels this way:
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
Attn: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Rainbow Book Fair)
208 W 13th St
New York, NY 10011
(You can also abbreviate to: The LGBT Community Center)
Please send boxes so that they will arrive the week of Monday, April 15, 2024. The staff at the Center is expecting them that week. Send your boxes by UPS or FedEx, so they can be traced. Do not send them USPS book or media rate.
The RBF and the Center cannot arrange to return books to you. You must leave with your books, etc. If you need to ship them out that day, there are FedEx and UPS offices open on Saturday nearby.
If you have any further questions, please address them to:
Perry Brass,
Sarah Chinn,